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IAVCEI fieldtrip participants at Villarrica crater rim (Credit: Dávid Karátson, distributed via

G Geodesy Division on Geodesy

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European Geosciences Union

Division on Geodesy

Division on Geodesy

President: Annette Eicker (
Deputy President: Roelof Rietbroek (

Traditionally geodesy is the science of the measurement and the mapping of the Earth’s surface. Since the surface is mainly shaped by the Earth’s gravity field the classical definition includes the Earth’s gravitational potential. Observing the Earth’s figure, the orientation and rotation as well as the gravity field, geodesy today provides spatial and temporal patterns of geophysical processes within the Earth system such as sea-level rise, tides, melting of continental ice masses, changes in global water circulation and in the atmosphere or deformations of the solid Earth. Consequently, the Geodesy Division covers activities on the whole spectrum of modern geodetic Earth system modelling from the measurement systems to the investigation of geophysical processes.

Recent awardees

Jeffrey T. Freymueller

Jeffrey T. Freymueller

  • 2024
  • Vening Meinesz Medal

The 2024 Vening Meinesz Medal is awarded to Jeffrey T. Freymueller for pioneering work in geodesy with Global Navigation Satellite Systems and their application to geophysics.

Bramha Dutt Vishwakarma

Bramha Dutt Vishwakarma

  • 2024
  • Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award

The 2024 Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award is awarded to Bramha Dutt Vishwakarma for his outstanding contributions in the use of satellite geodesy for Earth system science.

Jürgen Müller

Jürgen Müller

  • 2023
  • Vening Meinesz Medal

The 2023 Vening Meinesz Medal is awarded to Jürgen Müller for his outstanding contribution to the advancement of modern geodesy, in particular for his scientific leadership in the field of Lunar Laser Ranging.

Rebekka Steffen

Rebekka Steffen

  • 2023
  • Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award

The 2023 Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award is awarded to Rebekka Steffen for her outstanding interdisciplinary contributions on the interface of geodesy and tectonophysics.

Marius Schlaak

Marius Schlaak

  • 2023
  • Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award

The 2023 Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award is awarded to Marius Schlaak Multi-decadal Satellite Gravity Mission Simulations Comparing Resolving Capabilities of a Long-term Trend in the Global Ocean Heat Content

Latest posts from the G blog

Bits and Bites of Geodesy – Satellite altimetry: What else can we do with it?

In the previous post of this series, we learned how we can use satellite radar altimetry to retrieve highly accurate estimates of global sea level changes. If only reading “sea level” triggers your climate anxiety – we got you covered! In this post we will introduce you to three more applications of radar altimetry, where the first two are not directly connected to climate change. Instead, we will discover mountains underwater from space, and find commonalities between rubber ducks and …

EGU General Assembly 2024 — A Brief Recap of our Activities

Thank you all for the great EGU General Assembly (GA) this year! In case you missed EGU24 or some of the events we organised, here is a little recap. So you can stop wondering how it went and get an idea of what to look out for next year. In the Geodesy Divison, we had our kick-off, unlike the standard, with the online division meeting on Wednesday before the EGU24. There, we introduced our new members and new positions. We …

Meet the ECS team: Your Go-To Contacts for EGU General Assembly 2024

Hey there dear geodesy ECSs, EGU is right around the corner. We wanted to check in and make sure that you are navigating around a bit better. Maybe you are not sure who to ask about the ECS dinner, networking opportunities at GA, or how to get involved with our team or within EGU, or you simply need help. Well, wonder no more! Allow us to introduce ourselves – we’re the Geodesy ECS (Early Career Scientist) team, your ultimate point …

Geodesy Division Highlights at EGU24: Your Essential Guide

We have been a bit quiet during March, but that was only for a good reason: to prepare lots of engaging activities and short courses for the EGU General Assembly. So, let’s find out what’s waiting for you at the GA24. But a quick reminder that this is just a small preview of the many other exciting events planned for GA, such as the co-organised short courses and networking activities that we couldn’t find the space to fit in here! …

Current issue of the EGU newsletter

In our May Issue, it’s time to get your applications and submissions in for our various funding and grant applications! Apply for science communication, outreach and public engagement funding, grants to help you run a training school or small, subject specific conference or know a great science journalist who needs funds to write about a special geoscience project, make sure those applications are in by 17 June. Nominate your colleague for an EGU Award or Medal by 15 June, the process is probably easier than you think!

Also say hello to your new ECS Union Rep, Dan Evans get all your science graphic design questions answered by our EGUwebinar and don’t miss the next EGU Science for Policy Hangout and more, all in this month’s issue of ‘The Loupe’!

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