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Participants at a GIFT workshop (Credit: Jane Robb/EGU)

Education Reviewing an EGU Planet Press release

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European Geosciences Union

Reviewing an EGU Planet Press release

Each Planet Press text is reviewed for educational and scientific content.

If you are a science reviewer for a Planet Press, your job is to make sure that the content of the text is scientifically accurate. Don’t forget to take into account that the primary audience of Planet Press text are young children (7–13-year olds). This means we need to keep the texts short and simple and avoid technical terms kids may not be familiar with. But we still want them to be accurate!

If you are an educational reviewer for a Planet Press, your job is to ensure that young children can understand the content of the text. If you find that some of the words or phrases may be too complicated for kids to get their heads around, let us know. You are also welcome to make suggestions about how we could improve the educational value of our Planet Presses.

For more information about the content of Planet Presses, please check the writing page.


If you’d like to help write, translate or review Planet Presses, or have any questions about the project, please contact EGU's Media Relations Manager:

Asmae Ourkiya
Asmae Ourkiya
Media and Communications Officer
Phone +49-89-2050-76340