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EGU press conference (Credit: Kai Boggild/EGU)

News & press Science Journalism Fellowship

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European Geosciences Union

Science Journalism Fellowship

The Science Journalism Fellowship is an annual competition open to professional journalists interested in geoscience stories. The fellowships enable reporters to follow scientists on location to report on ongoing research in the Earth, planetary or space sciences. Successful applicants receive up to €5000 to cover expenses related to their projects.

EGU Science Journalism Fellowships differ from other science journalism prizes. Rather than awarding a published piece of science reporting, the EGU funds innovative proposals to report on geoscientific research not yet in the public sphere. The award offers journalists the opportunity to follow geoscientists on location and to develop an in-depth understanding of their research questions, approaches, findings and motivation. The aim of the fellowship is to promote excellence in geoscience reporting. Starting in 2022, the call for applications takes place mid March through mid-June each year, with the winners announced in September.

Applications are judged by a panel of geoscientists, journalists and communication professionals. In the first round of judging all applications are reviewed anonymously while, in the second round, the shortlisted proposals are evaluated together with the candidates' summary of experience. Panel members with a perceived conflict of interest with a specific application are not involved in the review of that application. In these cases, additional reviews might be sought out.

SPECIAL NOTICE: To show our support for Ukraine and in accordance with current European sanctions, EGU will not provide any payments to applicants from Russian or Belarusian institutions – as a result anyone from a Russian or Belarusian institution is not eligible to apply for this fellowship in 2024.

For more information on the fellowship, please check the most recent competition announcement or contact:

Asmae Ourkiya
Asmae Ourkiya
Media and Communications Officer
Phone +49-89-2050-76340

Past and present fellows

Kate Ravilious and Liz Kalaugher Kate Ravilious and Liz Kalaugher

Kate Ravilious and Liz Kalaugher